Brazilian Cleopatra Hair Protein (1 Lt.)


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بروتين الشعر كليوباترا البرازيلي

تم تطويره بمكونات طبيعية وعالية الجودة مثل مستخلص الجرجير والصبار والعسل والحناء والزبادي وزيت الزيتون. يعزز بلطف مقاومة التجعد لفترة طويلة ويرطب الشعر بشكل فائق، ويعيد تنظيم وتشكيل خصلات الشعر، مما يجلب اللمعان والنعومة والمقاومة. تتمتع كليوباترا بخلاصة العربية الطبيعية الممزوجة بسر الفراعنة والمكونات الغنية من غابات الأمازون البرازيلية في منتج واحد فقط لأول مرة. مناسب للشعر المجعد والمتضخم والمتضرر كيميائيًا. مصمم خصيصًا ليترك شعرك يبدو رائعًا، مع علاج مكثف يعمل على ترطيب الشعر وتجديده وحمايته من العوامل البيئية، مما يترك شعرك ناعمًا وصحيًا.

حجم المنتج: 1000 مل

صناعة المنتج: البرازيل

Brazilian Cleopatra hair protein

Developed with natural and high-quality ingredients such as watercress extract, aloe vera, honey, henna, yoghurt and olive oil. Gently promotes long-lasting anti-frizz and super moisturizes hair, realigning and reshaping hair strands, bringing shine, softness and resistance. Cleopatra has the essence of natural Arabic blends with the secret of the Pharaohs and rich ingredients from the Brazilian Amazon forests in only one product for the first time. Suitable for curly, overgrown and chemically damaged hair. Specially designed to leave your hair looking great, with an intense treatment that will moisturize, replenish and protect hair from environmental factors, leaving your hair soft and healthy-looking.

Product size: 1000 ml

Product Industry: Brazil

Category: Tag:

Method for using Brazilian products:

-wash the hair with a deep cleaning shampoo twice to 3 times.
-Dry the hair with a hair dryer at a rate of 80%.
-Distribute the material on the whole hair from roots to limbs.
-Leave the material to interact with the hair from 90 to 60 minutes according to the hair nature and condition.
-spread the spray and pull apart of the material with the towel .
-Dry the hair by hair dryer with a rate 90% .
-Divide the hair into 4 parts .
-Take a very thin threads and pass the ceramic or titanium iron with a temperature 180 for soft hair to 200 :220 for more curly hair .
-wait for a few minutes in order to cool the hair from the heat of the iron and wash the hair with water to remove remnants of the material.
-Make a moisturizer mask for the hair twice after washing the moisturizing cream then dry the hair completely using cold air.


1 Ltr.

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